Eyes Wide Open

Eyes Wide Open is the latest thing from the new metal capital of Sweden – Karlstad. The band may be young, but make no mistake. These guys are NOT your ordinary demoband. With members from bands like Inferior, Bermuda and Enemy of My Enemy, these guys have played Sweden Rock Festival, opened for Motley Crüe, performed on major networks in Sweden, together with bands like Helloween and In Flames. Knowing this makes it pretty hard to call them “newcomers”. In spite of the bands young age (established in August 2011), they have already recorded an EP, mixed and mastered by Rickard Löfgren at Leon Music, placing themselves among bands like Sparzanza, Deathstars and Vomitory – in less than six months. Eyes Wide open is a force to be reconed with.
Patrik Fahlin – Vocals
Kristofer Strandberg – Guitar
Erik Engstrand – Guitar
Jesper Lindgren – Bass
Karl Adamsson – Drums