Warrior Soul

'Warrior Soul is a Rock anomaly that continually crashes its skull through the genre pigeon holes like a ravenous Punk fox searching for prey. Tearing into stereotypes, feasting on political injustice and making a shambolic, albeit aurally artistic racket. Original member and bandleader Kory Clarke always had a vocal style designed for rebellion. A smoky, street sleeping, well matured filter-less rasp that thirty years on from Warrior Soul’s first release can still make the ears weep and nose bleed. His bands latest offering is the strangely titled ’Back On The Lash’ which is British slang for going out on the piss, getting hammered or just plain drunk. Opening track ’American Idol’ serves as a chaser to the mindset of Clarke and the dark overtures of this impressive realise. It’s middle America street poetry set against the backdrop of two electric guitars and Clarke’s distinctive uncut weather-beaten voice which antagonistically prods you in the chest while blowing thick smoke into your inquisitive eyes. The anthemic ‘I Get Fucked Up’ is an anti-government, bankers, oil companies and general worldwide corporate corruption ditty' Vive Le Rock 2017/2018
'I am even more convinced than ever that Clarke is one of the greatest living rock stars around. A modern day poet with ruminations about the state of the world, Clarke and Warrior Soul bring you down into the gutter while showing you how to have a good time. Not unlike a rock n’ roll Dante that shows the layers of hell that stand before us, all set to a rock n’ roll soundtrack that would make AC/DC, The Sex Pistols and Motorhead proud. Warrior Soul isn’t just metal. It isn’t just punk either. It’s what rock n’ roll should be. Each track seems to build upon the next, with each one being more adrenaline-fueled than the last one. If Charles Bukowski had been a rock star, he would have been Kory Clarke.' XS ROCK 2017/2018