Saint Rebel

Saint Rebel (DK)
In April 2012 six years of hard work culminate for the rocking rebels in SAINT REBEL. It is the day where the band in cooperation with Mighty Music releases the debut album “The Battle Of Sinners And Saints”. With an album in the baggage, grand gestures, sweaty faces and a good dose of false modesty, SAINT REBEL is going all in to conquer the world of rock - scene by scene, and face to face.
The members from SAINT REBEL are not unaccustomed on the hard rock scene in Denmark. Under the former name KoLeN' the band has participated in various band battles and amongst other things reached to the Emergenza finals, won the MTV / Nordic Unsigned in Denmark and got the Audience Award at the Melody Maker Contest in 2007 with 10.000 DKK in cash price for a recording. In 2009 KoLeN’ changed their name to the more idiomatic SAINT REBEL.
It took nine months for SAINT REBEL to record their debut album "The Battle Of Sinners And Saints", and with producer Marcus Toft (DAD, Carpark North) as a midwife and an invigorating mix of Jacob Hansen (Volbeat, Hatesphere), the band's five members put a precocious fry of a record out into the world that will do its part to finish first in class.
Out of a respectful rock heritage, a solid musical craftsmanship and with cocky ambitions - the five saint rebels have put out a record that attempts to represent and describe hard rock’s position in the decade. SAINT REBEL’s inspirations occur in the dilemmas that can be found in the tension between the archetypes of humanity – the saint and the rebel – and in man’s eternal search to balance the two sides. The dilemmas are interpreted in a raw musical framework that takes the listener seriously without being condescending and vulnerable, without being emotional porn. As a result SAINT REBEL’s sound is characterized by both looking back in music history and forward because of their surprising vocalizations and tempo changes. No doubt that "The Battle Of Sinners And Saints" is a competent debut with both muscle and radio potential.
It becomes clear that playing music is a basic condition of life for the five band members when SAINT REBEL is live on stage. Almost desperate and with a visible sincerity the band wrestle the audience around and sets their inner saints and rebels free – although they never forget to count to four and salute back to those who previously influenced the hard rock generations.